You must have a notarized statutory declaration to obtain a Registrant Identification Number (RIN) for your business. Neighbourhood Notary can help draft & commission it.
What is a RIN?
A Registrant Identification Number (RIN) is a unique 9-digit number. It is used by businesses to register a vehicle with the Ontario Ministry of Transportation. Must my business be incorporated? No. Sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations are all eligible. Why do I need a RIN? All vehicles in Ontario must be registered in order to be legally allowed on the road. Businesses need vehicles for a variety of reasons. While individuals can go to register a vehicle with their driver’s licence, businesses that want to register a vehicle cannot obtain a driver’s licence because they cannot physically drive a vehicle. As such, the Ontario government created the RIN to identify business-owned vehicle’s in its motor vehicle registration system. This allows vehicles used for work purposes to be registered to a business. Does my business need multiple RINs? No. A business only needs to obtain a single RIN as it can be re-used to register multple vehicles. |
How do I obtain a RIN?
If you are purchasing a vehicle from a dealership, they should be able to assist in obtaining a RIN. If you are obtaining a RIN yourself, head on over to your nearest ServiceOntario location (find your nearest one here) with the following:
DISCLAIMER: information provided in this article is for informational purposes only. It may not be up-to-date and may not be accurate. It shall not be construed as legal advice. Please contact the relevant governmental entity or organization for the most up-to-date and accurate information.
Need help drafting and / or commissioning your statutory declaration to obtain a RIN?
In-Person Appointment
Online Appointment*
*This document may be eligible to be notarized online.